Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog Update

Hey Guys,

I know it has been quiet around here for a while now but so it had been in the Britney world till lately with the announcement of "Femme Fatale" and the  release of her new singles "Hold It Against Me" & "Till The World Ends". I am working on a blog update that will come alive with the release of "Femme Fatale" (at the end of the month) along with a few contests and of course prizes, so keep an eye out.

PS: Make sure you pre-order your copy of Britney's 7th album "Femme Fatale Deluxe Edition" out March 29th in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. BAM, you just reminded me, I'm orderin a copy off of iTunes and getting a deluxe edition CD cause it sounds real pretty :-)
